Supporting CMC Adventure

CMC Adventure has been serving, developing, and growing since 1966. That initial pondering, “could there be a place for such a centre run by Christians, who were sufficiently competent in mountain skills to safely oversee and instruct others, and at the same time, by their testimony and from their own experience of Christ, be able to share their faith with them?” (The Lord’s Doing, Mike Perrin), became a reality that still serves over 2000 people a year today.

This is not something that would have happened without a huge amount of support from the very beginning until this day from people who see the benefit and the value of our work. The support we have had is the very reason we are still here! The support has enabled us to reach out to thousands of people, providing them with support, skills, adventure, and hope for their future.

Ways you can support CMC Adventure.

Prayer: CMC Adventure is the Lord’s doing. We believe He has sustained us and provided for us to enable so many people to benefit from this place and what we offer. At the heart of CMC Adventure is its guests and an opportunity to share God’s love with them. Prayer is what holds us together. If you would like to pray for us regularly and specifically, please sign up to become a ‘Friend of CMC Adventure.’ Our Friends receive our regular newsletter which includes specific prayer request. You can sign up on our ‘‘Become a Friend’ page.

Become a friend: Stay in touch with what’s going on here. This is for anyone with an interest in CMC Adventure. You don’t have to be Christian to be our Friend. We would love to stay in touch with you. Learn more about becoming a friend here.

Tell someone about us: We need your help to spread the word. Word of mouth is the best way for people to learn about us. Share our posts on social media, point people towards this website, talk about us with people you know who might like to come.

Become a group leader: Do you have a group who might benefit from a stay at CMC Adventure? Find out more about the types of groups we work with on our ‘Adventure Residentials’ pages. We want to see the centre busy and fully utilised. By keeping the centre utilised you are also financially supporting us.

Come on a holiday: Or let someone else know about our holidays. Find out more on our ‘Adventure Holidays’ pages. Do you know any teenagers who might like to come to ‘Sail and Surf’?

Financial support: With additional financial support, CMC is able to invest in building and development projects, keep our equipment quality to the highest standard, and keep prices affordable so that no one is prevented from an outdoor adventure residential due to financial hardship. Find out more about why we need financial support on our ‘Supporting CMC Financially’ page.

Volunteer for CMC Adventure: Volunteers are a vital part of CMC Adventure bringing huge benefits to both the centre and the volunteer. If you have some time and would like to support CMC Adventure through volunteering, find out more on our ‘Volunteering Opportunities’ page about what you can do.

Work for us: CMC Adventure is a rewarding place to work. Perhaps God is calling you to support CMC through joining our team? Find out more about working with us here.